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Experiences + Passion= New Business. My 4c Hair Journey

All my life I've had thick coily hair. Hair that I didn't know had a specific category until adulthood. Hair that was always deemed unmanageable and had to be "tamed" through cornrows, which then transitioned to hot comb, which then transitioned to a perm. Each was more damaging then the previous. As a result my hair would break off, and I would always end up with braid extensions in attempts to try to grow out my damage hair. This cycle repeated for years up until after the birth of my first son. About a year after he was born my hair and skin unexplainable broke out. Itchy rashes and white patches were all over my head and body. When I went to the dermatologist to find out what it was, I was told that I had psoriasis. I had no clue what caused it, but I was prescribed an ointment for my body, special medicated shampoo and instructed to stay away from the getting my hair done for a while!!

Now I won't say that I lived in the hair salon, but like millions of women everywhere, I liked getting my hair done!! However, this event marked the beginning of my natural hair journey. After getting over the initial shock. I had to figure out what I was going to do to my hair. I ended up returning to the beauty parlor one finally time, but only to have my hair washed and to cut off all of my dead permed ends. What I was left with was the shortest hair I've every worn! I wasn't bald, but I was as close to it as possible. Sufficed it to say, I hated it! It made me look like a baby and because I couldn't do any real styles, I begun a head scarf phase not long after that.

Ironically, during this time my hair began to thrive. I must admit that my dermatologist did inject growth stimulating shots directly into my head, ONCE, to help stimulate my hair follicles! Those shots hurt like hell, so it was a one a done kind of thing for me! I spent many months simply washing, moisturizing and wrapping my hair. I didn't spend a ton of money on scarfs either. I had a signature black one that I wore most of the time and then two other color. At home I would let my hair breath but you wouldn't catch me outside without my head being covered. After about a year on the medication my skin began to clear up and everyone around me was sick of seeing me in headscarfs and encouraged me to get my hair done. I knew I could never go back to perms, so I sought out mature looking natural hairstyles and products. What I found was tons of expensive products that worked sometimes if not at all. I also discovered that my hair responded best to natural ingredients. Pure Shea butter, avocado oil, castor oil, Aloe Vera, vitamin E, and my forever favorite, water worked wonders in terms of moisturizing and styling. I knew that I wanted to create products that other people with 4c hair type could use and hence The 4c Me was born. Our hair loves moisture and that's what packed into every bottle. As an added bonus it’s also good for your skin too! If I didn't have this type of hair and didn't have the specific experiences I've had with both my hair and skin, my Passion for creating these products wouldn't have bloomed. I say all this to say that sometimes people start businesses because the things they are selling are popular or trending and seemingly easy money maker. but I believe that one of the key s to business is... PASSION. You have to have a passion for something in order to begin selling. Then You have to transfer that passion for the items your selling over to make others believe. You have to have a passion for improving in order to get better So let your passion be your guide and let it lead you to success!!!

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